
Showing posts from October, 2017

First Attempt....

I thought it would be like riding a bike....  I was wrong. For my first sketch after 12 years, I though I would try to capture an image of some of my books. I forgot how much time, patience, and an eye for detail that is required. I gave it my best, but I was also watching the class work on their projects. The greatest advice I received when I was in the class.... Stop drawing what you expect to see, and draw what you see. I need to keep this front of mind as I choose my next subject. I am not completely disappointed in my effort. It is more of a function of being out of practice. I must remember, just like I am telling the students, you are not or are you going to be a professional. This is a chance to try a new skill and learn about yourself in the process. I will continue to work at this and try to improve over time.

Returning to Drawing

Each semester I ask my students to try a new skill. Challenge themselves. This semester I have decided to join them. While I have some experience with drawing, it has been 12 years since I picked up a pencil to sketch a picture. I am motivated to give my brain a different challenge as well as show my students that I am willing to take the same risk I am asking of them. I have always loved to doodle. On my 10th wedding anniversary, my wife enrolled me in a drawing class at the community center in Rocky River, Ohio. I was terrified. But that fear is what inspired me to start this project at school. Too infrequently, we try new things, whether that be due to time or fear of failure. It was very nerve racking to have someone watch me sketch pictures. Afraid of doing it wrong or having a ridiculous end product was a constant in my mind through the first few hours. After a while, I forgot about it and enjoyed learning something I have never tried before. Even if I was bad at it, wh...